I’ve touched on this previously in this little nook of the internet that I share with you all but, with all the discussion - some accurate and some not so much - that I’ve witnessed during my recent online scrolling, I felt like it deserved its own post.
The most frequent concern we get at SLIQ is that people want to be kinder to their hair but they don’t know where to start, especially because of how complicated platforms like Youtube, Instagram and Tik Tok make it seem. So here we are (finally) to give you the basics.
At SLIQ, we’re always interested in the nuances that make our hair unique. Earlier this year, we invited members of our hair community to share a bit of their hair journey in hopes of connecting us through relatable narratives.
Last year, Amber Leaux’s story went viral on Tik Tok following a nightmarish silk press appointment at a popular London salon for curly and kinky hair. But her hair’s road to recovery is equally as noteworthy and worth a read for anyone struggling to accept or treat their curls after a hair disaster.